1. Convert to decimals:
- 6/10 =
- 41/100 =
- 76/100
2. Compare the fraction without changing to equivalent fractions:
1/2 _______ 7/9
3. a. Order the fractions from smallest to greatest:
3/7 , 3/4 , 2/9 , 8/11 , 7/10
b. Order the fractions from greatest to smallest
7/9 , 2/5 , 1/6 , 6/8, 5/9
4. Solve the following:
Sally ate 2 candy bars and Sam ate 3/4 of a candy bar. How much did they eat together?
- 2, 3/4
- 2/1
- 5/5
- 10/4
5. Solve the following:
7+ 12/13